Wills & Trusts Attorney

What is a Wills and Trusts Attorney?

Another word for a Wills and Trusts Attorney is a Probate Attorney. They manage the filing of the last will or testament of a deceased individual and handle the potentially difficult disputes that come from the nature of property and deal with the division of the estate of the passed individual.

Who needs a Wills and Trusts Attorney in Florida?

Many people don’t think to hire a Wills and Trusts Attorney until after someone has passed away, this can cause a flurry of problems. When waiting for that moment, there is a sense of urgency which in turn does not ensure that the lawyer you are hiring is truly one who will best represent your interests. This also can be difficult depending on how much planning the deceased did while they were still living.

If the deceased had a detailed will created, then much of the complicated aspects of this process won’t be applicable. This will help to avoid adding to any emotional distress after one passes away. While it isn’t something that is easy to do or address, in the long run, having a legal will helps assure that our property is being divided to whomever we so choose and in the correct amount.

Legally speaking, you do not need a lawyer to write a will or handle an estate, you can technically do this on your own accord. However, this is rarely advised due to the fact that if there is a failure to execute the property legally, it may end up in a personal liability lawsuit after it is all done which can tie up the property for years.

One of the most important aspects of this is to make sure to take care of as much of this as possible before one passes away. It will save families added grief and make the process of handling your affairs much easier once you’ve gone. It’s one of the best gifts you can give to your loved ones because they won’t have to spend weeks and months attempting to interpret your wishes and potentially entering into intense property battles.

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